Saturday, January 14, 2006

Ifs and Buts

if this, then that. we do this, then we will be able to accomplish that. if not this way then it wont happen. ok now that we have that covered, and the ifs part of the scenerio at hand is solved, there comes a but in the situation. the irony of it is that it comes before you know it and that poses a problem greater than that of the initial problem statement. i like to be in a situation at hand which is of "importance" (i.e. in the minds of the perceiver) and not have to consider the ifs and buts in the whole issue at hand. for once i would like to be confounded to zero or one option that would allow me to make a choice among the current variables in such a manner that i have to think the least, dwell over it on a small scale, ponder on it for exactly a minute, not have to confer with my "buddies", ask for outside opinion or go in solitude when faced with a mind boggling problem. there should be a book of answers with explainations and exact logical thinking that would guide us to the righ tpath. one should just be able to pick it up and read it, follow it and then apply it to the fullest possible limit to get the most out of it and that should be it. "but" alas.


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