Saturday, July 01, 2006


Everybody has the option of choices in their lives. whether it be as simple as choosing between black or white or whether it be between right or wrong. we face choices everyday of our lives. some actions we tend to prioritize in our lives while others we subdue as its "not convenient" according to our standings. thats the irony. i wonder how many of us would chose the right choice over an easy choice. how difficult is it to really arbitrate a conflict? these are a few of the major choices that we seek to overcome in our daily lives. nobody says choices are easy. even if we know the answer to the choices, it still makes our lives difficult to actually get up and make a choice. i think the most effective way of getting out of choices is by saying... "upto you". as simple as a question of where do you want to go eat today causes enough tension in choices for almost all karachites. i think there should be a rule book as to what and how you have to make a choice and then hopefully things will get smoother for the process of choosing.


Blogger ~meyum & a half~ said...

umm maybe you can write a book called" a book of questions" and all the answers will be in the backyard;)"getting out of choices is by saying... "upto you"."hmmmmm i have heard that one before machus!!!!!!!

1:12 PM

Blogger ~meyum & a half~ said...

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1:12 PM


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